Due to increased engagement and dialogue with our operating partners year on year, this has enabled us to disclose meaningful metrics and science-based targets.
Marc Bishop Lafleche
Chief Executive Officer
Sustainability highlights 2023
SBTi near term science based emissions target
Ecora has achieved this target as it has zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
UNGC membership
This is our second full year as a UNGC participant and we submitted our first communication on progress in December 2023.
Rated "AA" by MSCI at the start of 2024.
Engagement with our operators
An increased level of engagement with operators of producing/near term producing royalties resulted in a 100% response rate to requests for sustainability information, up from 14% in 2022 (86% response rate).
response rate from operators
A new sustainability framework
We have developed a new framework for Ecora’s sustainability strategy that clearly communicates the areas that are of key focus. Our sustainability activities have been divided up to sit underneath two key pillars: Responsible business and Responsible investors. Underneath these we have identified six priority areas under which we will report.
Responsible business
Being a responsible business means looking after our people. At Ecora, we promote health and safety, well-being, diversity and inclusion, and continuous improvement and development of our employee culture and skillset. We are also committed to operating our business with the highest standards of ethics and integrity and we proactively seek to align our frameworks with globally recognised initiatives such as the UNGC.
Responsible investors
Long-term value for all our stakeholders can only be achieved through sustainable and responsible investment. We look to finance resources that enable a sustainable future, and to influence others in the mining sector towards sustainable outcomes.
Our purpose and commitments
Providing capital to the mining sector required to
supply the commodities central to a sustainable future.
Next steps
- Improve our sustainability disclosures by aligning with voluntary frameworks
- Enhance our contributions to charitable causes and the communities where our operators work
We are committed to:
- Conducting business ethically
- Diversity
- Encouraging international ESG best practice
- Engaging with our stakeholders

UN Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals
Ecora joined the United Nations Global Compact (‘UNGC’) in February 2022. As a participant, we are committed to voluntarily aligning our operations and strategy with the UNGC’s Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. As such, in our continued support of the UNGC, we completed our first Communication on Progress for 2022 describing the practical actions that we have taken and the qualitative and quantitative results of our company in furtherance of the ten principles. Our Communication on Progress is available on the UN Global Compact websitewww. unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/150805-Ecora- Resources-PLC
Initiatives across our business help advance a number of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Last year, we provided first-time disclosure as to which of the SDGs are aligned with Ecora’s investment strategy. In our “Thematic Investing” section of the 2023 report, we demonstrate our progress against these identified SDGs. As part of a materiality assessment and assurance exercise with our key stakeholders, we will consider whether there are any other SDGs that align with other Ecora sustainability priorities.