Nifty, Australia / Copper

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Nifty is a high quality copper project in Western Australia, owned and operated by Cyprium Metals Limited.









Rate and type

1.5% Realised Value royalty

Royalty rate and type
1.5% Realised Value royalty

Balance sheet classification
Royalty Intangible

Key facts

800 kt

Royalty payable once 800Kt copper has been delivered


Mine recognised as the 6th largest development project in Australia, with the highest grade of copper


6 year life of mine (oxide only). Sulphide potential for >20 years

The Group owns a 1.5% Realised Value royalty over the Nifty project in Western Australia, owned and operated by Cyprium Metals Limited.

Nifty is a mine restart project with substantial existing infrastructure. The operator states that the mine is recognised as the sixth ranked development project in Australia by copper metal resource. The copper has the highest grade of the top six projects in this ranking. The operator expects the resource estimates to increase as it incorporates the results of various drilling and technical studies.

Cyprium completed a detailed Restart Feasibility Study in 2022 over the oxide heap leach starter operation. Cyprium is targeting to deliver a Restart Feasibility update along with a resource update in early 2024. The operator is simultaneously preparing a scoping study for a larger, integrated oxide and sulphide project which will be followed by preparing a DFS. The operator is targeting FID in 2024, which could lead to first cashflows in 2025. It is envisaged that the operation will initially produce 20-25kt of copper per year.